
The nearest beach to us is Pamucak, near Selcuk, about 50 minutes away by car. İf you go in the morning it is virtually your own private heaven. The busy resort of Kusadası is just along the coast, starkly contrasting with the tranquility here. There are a couple of beach cafes, the main one run by a Macedonian guy, who speaks broken English and likes you to call him Rambo. Today we arrived just before 8am and woke him up. But he was all smiles as he stumbled out of the tent he uses for sleeping.

Carolyn took this atmospheric black and white photo. A bıt Davıd Hockneyesque, you might think.

 Of course, the main point is to let the dogs run. Below is Willow trotting on the sand. There are a few street (beach?) dogs about but they were fairly relaxed and after a couple of token barks they drifted back to sleep.

 Breakfast at Rambo's (eggs, cheese, peppers, chips and courgettes) also included a plate of fresh semizotu (purslane). Rambo assured us confidently that a doctor had told him semizotu was a miracle cure if you are overweight. 'Eat this,' he gestured holding his hands near his belly as if clutching an invisible football, 'and it will wash all your fat away'. İ am sure he wasn't being personal.


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